
Dowry System

  Dowry System:- Dowry means property or money brought by a bride to her husband. It is a custom prevalent in almost all societies of the world. This custom which has turned into a curse has spread its tentacles alarmingly to the detriment of the marginalized classes of the world. In many countries, including China – where I grew up – bride price is very common. This tradition has been criticized in the modern era because many believe it frames women as commodities that can be traded. However, it leaves me with a mindset that marrying a daughter is analogous to bestowing. To my surprise, the situation is opposite in India where I recently completed a research project on the issue. It is common that the bridegroom’s family demand so much dowry from the bride’s family that the bride would suffer both physical and mental torture if her family is not able to meet the demands. Both dowry and bride price were practiced in India; however, dowry gradually became more prevalent. Originally, the